Saturday, November 13, 2010

Go deeper into the desert, further from civilization

After dinner last night, I left the warmth of friends and family and fire and laughter and came out to my RV and stood in front of the windshield, looking into the illuminated interior, my life, empty, alone and silent. Not a bad thing but there was a bit of sadness.

I awoke from a dream. The usual 5 am thing. I was part of a band of desert nomads, bedouin, let's say. We had camped with our animals, camels I suppose. A nearby group of British colonists who had apparently taken over the country complained about the noise of our camp and animals and politely said that they didn't want to have to kill us. Our tribal leader said that we would decamp and move deeper into the desert, further from our old routes and paths and that we would have to travel lighter. I asked if we'd be taking half of our gear or more like 10 percent. He said ten percent.

The dream felt pertinent to me as I prepare for my journey to the Southwest, deeper into the desert and farther away from civilization, friends and family.

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