Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ted Kennedy

Senator Kennedy said in 2005 that the Downing Street Minutes proved that the Bush Administration intended to invade Iraq regardless of evidence of WMD's. That was a courageous and patriotic act; highly unpopular at the time. "We never should have gone to war for ideological reasons driven by politics and based on manipulated intelligence. The Downing Street Minutes provide even more proof that this is exactly what happened on Iraq."

Regardless of your 'station in life' a terminal diagnosis affects you the same way. This is one of those things that crosses all socioeconomic boundaries. Ted Kennedy will get the finest medical care on the planet unlike most of the rest of us, but given the state of cancer medicine in the world, the positive effects are generally limited. His probable outcome is much worse than mine, his odds are poor and the timing is much tighter. We are all connected, we are all one. His cancer is my cancer on the emotional spiritual plane, and so is yours.

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