Sunday, October 10, 2010

Galaxies and Stuff

So I was out a few mornings ago looking at the stars before dawn. There were LOTS of stars here without any city lights to mess them up and I started wondering if all the stars I was seeing were in OUR galaxy, the Milky Way or if some of them might be from the other estimated 100 billion galaxies that inhabit the cosmos. I came in after a bit and looked it up and discovered that with the unaided eye, we could see the Milky Way stars and the stars of ONE OTHER GALAXY, Andromeda. Andromeda is the closest galaxy to us and if we left right now and were able to travel at the speed of light we'd get there in 2.3 MILLION YEARS!

There are 100 billion galaxies each with an average of 100 billion planets and we can see ONE? And never get there in a million (or two) years?

WTF is up with that? What is the point of all of this stuff?

What a weird place to live. YOU figure it out. I can't.

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