Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fear of the Unknown

This morning, that's what is cooking for me. So, a quick update. I sold the land, the big RV and the big truck that pulled it. Too much for me to haul around and I want to travel. I was done with being alone up on that mountainside and I needed money to get by since working is not currently an option. I need and want to visit friends and family in this little stretch of the future (if the future exists of course). I don't know how long I'll be around (none of us really do), but I have this diagnosis, so I'm just doing what I'm told.

There's also sadness about leaving behind all of this stuff that I've become attached to; people, land, my trees and shrubs and gardens and, and, and.

So I breathe, focusing on 'I AM' and nothing beyond that statement. I can catalog what I am not. Not the body, not the mind or ok, all of those things too, but the underlying me encompasses those and the rest of the all. Guess you had to be there.

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