Saturday, December 12, 2009

Shifting All Negativity

I was sitting in ‘it’ this morning, allowing the teachings to filter past my ego’s desire to set an agenda and be in control. Up at 5, this is my time to sit in my skin (in the skin of the infinite) and see what appears. Now that my mh is in ‘liveable’ shape (i.e. I can find most of the things I NEED if not all of the things I might want, and can make meals) I’m able to return to my practice of staying connected to truth and keeping this physical body healthy enough to take me the next steps down the path. This body may have been somewhat compromised by what has occurred (all of my own creation) but it is good enough to get me ‘home’ and for that I am tearfully grateful.

Today’s info:

1. Fear is all the same (judgment and fear or any ‘not love’ are the same thing, btw). It doesn’t matter what causes it or triggers it, energetically all of the negativity is identical.

Once you understand that at a cellular level, that is you sit with it and fully realize it and allow the knowledge to become real, you can shift all of the ‘not love’ as a single energetic entity, to love or light or whatever you want to call it. The shift is not an action that we take. The action is sitting in the awareness. The shift happens of its own accord when we set it up energetically and then simply ‘allow’.

2. Small judgments (defined as a negative take on an event in a ‘now’) create a path that leads to separation from oneness. Like attracts like. It can be as small as ‘oh shit, I forgot to buy coffee on the way home yesterday’ followed by a feeling as subtle as ‘that sucks’ or ‘that was dumb’. As a matter of fact, normally the HUGE things that we trip over are more obvious. We don’t tend so much to trip over logs as we do small sticks in the path. The logs are more obvious and we adjust our gait to accommodate them. We are given the ability in any moment to ‘correct’ such a judgment. The correction could be as small as ‘I forgot to buy coffee last night. I wonder what that is supposed to show me’. If allowed to settle in the body uncorrected, the choice (and it is a choice) for ‘not love’ can set up an energetic field tainted by negativity which can be as self fulfilling as a positive outlook. ‘What you believe, you will see’. We are asked to be diligent in our perception because each moment in time is a new reality, a new ‘now’ and in each now, there is a choice. This is the more challenging aspect, the diligence, the consistency.

Dat’s all I know for now. Now I go sit to fully realize point one.

Love to all you are, all you see, all with whom you interact

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